Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So I would say I am going crazy with everything going on with our adoption. It seems emotion is taking over everything. I cry over everything. I called my mom tonight and told her about phone call I was just on and she goes into a story. After hearing her story I can justify my craziness. So what is her story? Last night my dad tells my mom he has to run to Office Max or Office depot. So she goes with him and while he is in the store looking for what he needs so goes up to a kid that works there and asked if they like to have satisfied customers. The kid responds with yes mam. My mom then tells him that her neck hurts and asks him if he will rub it for her. (Are you kidding me? Who does this? mom) So the kid says let me call my manager to come to the front of the store. So the manager comes up and my mom asks him the same two questions. His response is yes to customer satisfaction and he rubs her neck. My dad goes to find my mom and can't stop laughing when he finds her. The manager asked my mom if he was her husband. My mom tells him yes but it doesn't mean stop. My dad didn't end up finding what he went for and my mom got more than she ever thought. I was laughing pretty hard at her story. I was joking with her about how many people have heard this story from those two guys that worked there. She said she made a bag of treats and she is going to take it to both of them tonight to thank them. All I can say is she is one of a kind and truly unbelievable.

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