Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Eyes

I can see clearly now my glasses are gone. My Lasik surgery went really well. I had it done last Thursday. Caleb took me to my follow up appointment on Friday. things are healing great and my eyesight as of Friday was 20/25. My depth perception has been off by quite a bit. The doctor said t is caused because of the correction of my prescription and astigmatism. Due to the fact of both being corrected it will take a little longer to adjust. I asked the doctor what my prescription was before my surgery. I also told people that I was blind when asked. After finding out what my prescription was blind was right. The big E at the top of the eye chart is 20/400. When you add in how bad my astigmatism was it put me at 20/800. Are you kidding me? After hearing that it solidified my thoughts of always being blind.

After my apointment Friday we ran to the mall ande I bought my first pair of sunglasses. They are cute. It was an adjustment to be able to see myself in the mirrior with them on. I asked Caleb and the girl that worked at the kiosk to help me decide since this was a first. This was a big decision. I needed reinforcement on which one was a good match for me.

I feel like a child who has just learned how to read. I find myself reading everything just to prove to myself that I can see it/read it.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! 20/800? That's just... WOW. I can't even imagine how it was for you. I was only able to reach 20/200, and I thought that was already tough. I actually think that was the highest among my neighbors here in Indianapolis. I wonder what the worst case our family's optometrists have handled in their lifetime. I'm sure you would be at the top of the ranking here in Indiana.
