Our Trip to Grand CaymanCaleb and I just got back from our vacation to the Grand Cayman Island. We had a week long vacation on a tropical island, it does not get better than that. We took over 500 pictures on our trip. I am only going to post a few otherwise this blog would be overloaded. We stayed at a beautiful resort on the East side of the island. Here is a view from our condo. This is what we woke up to every morning.

One of the days we decided to do the Cayman in a Nutshell tour. It was worth every dollar spent. We went swimming with
sting ray's. Here is one of the pictures from that part. I was terrified to stay in the water with them just ask Caleb and my family members. The water was only waist deep and warm like a bathtub. It took a boat ride out to the middle of the ocean. It might not look very big in this picture but they were huge, believe me.

Our tour guide on this trip stopped the boat and dove into the water. He brought up two star fish. I have no idea how he even saw them. The water was crystal clear and I guess he knows what he is looking for. Here is one of them he let us hold.

The next stop on this tour was a trip to Hell. There is a town on this island called Hell and the man who greets the visitors and checks them out at the cash register is dressed up like the Devil. I bought a post card and a sicker that says "I've been to hell and back". I had to buy them both. Here is a picture of the visitors center in Hell.

We also went to the Turtle Farm. We each got the chance to hold a turtle. Caleb handled this like a pro just like the Sting rays. I held one even though I was a little hesitant. The guide chose me to hold the first one. I had to be brave as there were two little girls standing in front of me looking at me with disgust that I was so scared. Here is a picture of Caleb and the turtle.

After this tour was over we stopped and ate lunch out on the dock of a little restaurant. I took one look at the water and I ran down to get in. At first no one wanted to come out with me. One by one Laura (Bud's girlfriend), Caleb and Bud all came out to join me. I do not know why they had to even think twice about coming in, especially after looking at the picture below.

We also went on a night submarine dive. We forgot our camera but both Bud and Laura had theirs. So As I get pictures of them I will update the blog and post them. We did a little bit of shopping in George Town. We spent most of our time snorkeling, playing on the beach or swimming in the pool. Here are a few other pictures from our trip that I wanted to post.

Moonlight on the beach at our resort.

Us on the beach at night.

Me (nickname for the trip "Poser")

Same spot as the picture above just the other direction.

Us on our last day of vacation.
I want to thank Caleb for the much needed vacation and
for sharing such a great experience with me.