My brother is getting married in less than two weeks. I was asked by both him and his "wife" for some advice. Advice on love, marriage and as individuals. Who am I? I am no expert on any of these topics. Here is what I told them and I have been thinking about it since.
I think that people lose Love in marriages all the time. It starts to become just day to day living. I think this is why a lot of marriages fail. Sometimes it is easier to find faults in people. I think people need to stop and reflect on why they fell in love with their girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse or partner. Remembering the good qualities. The quirks that make you smile or laugh, the heartfelt late night conversations, the inside jokes, the things that once gave you butterflies just thinking about him or her.
I believe that couples lose more than love. As people grow and change with time it may become harder to have the same relationship. Knowing that change is bound to happen, take it and make it what you want. Understand what makes him or her passionate and support that it. If he wants to try painting buy him a canvas. If she wants to join a roller derby team take her skating.
Sometimes we need to stop living our everyday lives and live for today. Find Love within our relationships. Be Passionate and grow stronger with change.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
HaPpY BiRtHdAy.....
to my dad. We went out to dinner on Friday night with my parents, Bud, Laura and Gma Gardner. We celebrated my dad's birthday and mine. We had a great dinner and enjoyed spending time with family. My dad has talked about wanting to try painting so we bought him lots of things to get him started. I cannot wait to see what his first project is.
Caleb and I went yesterday to get my birthday present. I have been thinking about trying road cycling. So we went yesterday and we bought me a bike. I am soooo excited to do this. Here is a pic of what my bike looks like. I was a little hesitant on the bright color but I LOVE it.
Caleb and I went yesterday to get my birthday present. I have been thinking about trying road cycling. So we went yesterday and we bought me a bike. I am soooo excited to do this. Here is a pic of what my bike looks like. I was a little hesitant on the bright color but I LOVE it.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Whose up....
......for a little pin the tail on the donkey or musical chairs? That's what I was asked at my future sister-n-laws bridal shower this past Saturday.
Enough said!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Caleb started his new position at work over a week ago. He loves being in over his head and the challanges that brings. It will keep him busy and expand that smart brain of his. I am sure he will know everything there is to know in no time. Well speaking of jobs I signed an offer yesterday. Still with the same company but a new adventure. I am excited. We will see what happens.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Volleyball ALL day
Yesterday I played volleyball down in Spanish Fork with girls from high school. We started at 9:00am and I got home around 8:30pm. It had been since high school that we had played in an all day tourney. By the end of the day we were beat. We played against 7 teams. Today is the day I know that I am out of shape. Every muscle in my body hurts. I also jammed my ring finger. So now I have a football as a finger. Even though I hurt today I had a great time playing yesterday.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thoughts on FaMiLy
Over the last little while I have been thinking a lot about family. Family in general. My Family. Do we take family for granted? Is it better to have a family that all lives within 10 minutes from each other or does distance really make the heart grow fonder? Do I call my parents or even see them as much as I should? I live close to them so does that mean I can disregard putting forth any effort to keep our relationship as close as it should be? Since I work with my brother do I now treat him more like a co-worker? I think that families go through spurts of good times and bad but how often do we try make the good times great and the bad times good? I love every Monday. Why? I get to email back and forth with my youngest brother Cort. I think about him all of the time and cannot wait to hear how his last week was. Is it because he is not convenient? The last thing a close family wants is distance. Only seeing each other once a year and catching up over the phone is not my idea of family. People get busy in the day to day stuff. We all need to sit back and re-evaluate what family means to us. Here are some things I question.
- I have an amazing husband. Do I tell him this enough? Do I show him how much I love and appreciate him? Do I recognize all of his qualities and values? Do I kiss and hug him enough? Am I everything he could want in a wife?
- I have an awesome dad. We talk but is it enough? Does he know what an inspiration he is to me? Does he know how much I love his goofy sense of humor? I am proud to call him dad.
- I have the best mom. Being her only daughter are we as close as we should be? Does she know that her compassion towards special needs kids is remarkable? Have I told her what a great example she is to me?
- I have two incredible brothers. I would not trade them for the world. I think the years difference in age has had a positive impact on our relationship. Do they know how much I love and care for them? Do they hate that I give them advice? Do they know that I want nothing but the best for them? I am gaining a sister n law shortly and I cannot wait to have her in my family.
- I have a terrific mother n law and father n law. Do they know how much I value them? Do they know that I love them? Should I email or call my father n law while he is out of town? Am I there if my mother n law needs someone to talk to? They both have strengths that I can only dream of having.
- I have 8 wonderful brother and sister n laws. Do I tell them how much they mean to me? Do I treat them all equal as they should be? Do I need to call or text more often just to tell them to have a great day? Am I available if someone should need something?
- I have 4 unique nieces and nephews. I love each of them more than they know. Do I need to pick them up so they can spend time with their "favorite" aunt? Do they know that I am here if they need something? Am I good example for them?
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