My mom called me sometime late last week to tell me she had something planned for all four girls on my side of the family. She asked that we meet at her house at 3:00 for something. She wouldn't tell us what it was but I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared until she started mentioning swimming and roller derby. I am pretty sure I could hold my own during a battle of roller derby if it ever came down to it, but the swimming had me worried. Not for the fact of swimming, because I love the pool and swimming. It was the fear of having stubble on my legs, being as pale as the snow that had just fallen, and lastly we just had our little guys birthday party and I had over eaten. My gut looked like our little guys did when we went to Ethiopia to get him. Sooooo bloated and full of food. So I was thankful when I showed up and she had a craft project for us to do. I mean who doesn't love sitting around, talking and being productive at the same time, all while being fully clothed. I didn't take a before picture but here is how it turned out. My mom has the idea to do this once a month and every month it will be something different. If you know my mom you anything is game. I honestly cannot wait to see what next month brings.