Thursday, February 28, 2013

February exercise summary

I am hoping to sum up my exercise at the end of each month. I believe in January I worked out a total of 3 times for a grand total of 4.5 hours. The end of January I signed up to do the MS 150. Which meant I needed to get my rear in gear and start training. I am pretty happy with my overall workouts for the month of February. To go from practically nothing to a motivational something is a step in the right direction. Every week I have been able to do better than the week before. I know there are more days ahead in March so we shall see what kind of magic I can work.

January - 
Hours: 4.5
Miles: 0 (I was only playing bike riding)
Calories burned:1053
Number of workouts: 3

February - 
Hours: 13.13
Miles: 76.57
Calories burned: 4253
Number of workouts: 15

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hair Update - Week 1

It has been one week since I started working on growing out my hair. I am not going to take any pictures or measure anything until at least week 3. I am pretty realistic and know that in one weeks time there wouldn't be any more growth than normal growth. I have noticed that my hair is softer. My hair is naturally curly and when I do it straight it reminds me of a broom. Only in the sense that it looks dry and brittle. By no means am I about to do any kind of hair commercial but it feels softer than normal.

The one thing that I have found funny is that I look forward to washing my hair. It takes more time now that it ever had in the past. The other positive so far is I love the smell of the Ovation products.

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Pep Talk from Kid President to You

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← Replay

I cannot tell you how much I have watched this video. Even our little guy likes to watch this. The kid in the video is amazing but the message behind it is even better. I figured I would post it here so I can go back and watch it whenever I need a little pick me up. You never know where inspiration can come from.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Working to be better

I normally don't make New Years resolutions. I think it comes back to not wanting to fail. This year I decided to do a few things over the year. None of these things are for the full year as far as duration goes. These are all smaller short term goals that I know I can achieve. So last week I randomly decided to start one or a couple of these things. So far so good for being a week into it.

At the end of the year I hope I can look back and be proud of myself. I have a feeling this year has a lot to teach me and I look forward to being a better person because of it.

Test: Growing out my hair

For anyone that knows me knows that I have to be one of the laziest girls there is. When it comes to being a girl that is. I am pretty sure my last hair cut or trim was back in 2011. I have been thinking lately about getting hair extensions. There are a couple reasons I don't. 1. They have to be maintained. 2. Not being able to wear my hair in its natural curly state. 3. They have to be maintained. Did I mention how lazy I am? Last summer I think I mentioned to Caleb that I wanted to try something besides extensions and never thought anything more about it. Well this last Friday a package showed up and it was for me. Husband surprised me with the Ovation Cell Therapy treatment. My mom was at the house when the package came, otherwise I am pretty sure I would have ran upstairs and jumped in the shower right then and there. I remember talking about wanting to try it but its one of those things that just get set aside for a later date. So today is day one. I am anxious to see if this works. I will try and keep updates here so I can see my outcome.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

MS 150

Guess what??? Yep I signed up for the MS 150 again. I hope this time I can actually do it. I started training last week. So far so good. I am pretty motivated about getting on my bike, which is a nice change. The race isn't until the end of June but I have a feeling it will be here quicker than I thought.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Girls activity

My mom called me sometime late last week to tell me she had something planned for all four girls on my side of the family. She asked that we meet at her house at 3:00 for something. She wouldn't tell us what it was but I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared until she started mentioning swimming and roller derby. I am pretty sure I could hold my own during a battle of roller derby if it ever came down to it, but the swimming had me worried. Not for the fact of swimming, because I love the pool and swimming. It was the fear of having stubble on my legs, being as pale as the snow that had just fallen, and lastly we just had our little guys birthday party and I had over eaten. My gut looked like our little guys did when we went to Ethiopia to get him. Sooooo bloated and full of food. So I was thankful when I showed up and she had a craft project for us to do. I mean who doesn't love sitting around, talking and being productive at the same time, all while being fully clothed. I didn't take a before picture but here is how it turned out. My mom has the idea to do this once a month and every month it will be something different. If you know my mom you anything is game. I honestly cannot wait to see what next month brings.