I cannot believe that it has been two weeks since my last post. We had a great 4th of July with family. Caleb's dad was in town which is always nice. Coby and Emi had Braxton's baby blessing on the 5th. We had brunch after over at my mother and father-n-laws home. Caleb had Friday- Monday off with me. We had a great four day weekend. We came to the conclusion that we need more long weekends together.

Bud and I started carpooling to work and I have had the opportunity to attend some of his b-ball games. The first game that I got stuck going to was a great game. I was sitting in the stands with my phone and Bud's in my lap. My phone rang, I looked down to answer it and it said Cort was calling. My heart dropped along with the missed call. It was almost a panic feeling that he tried to call and I missed it. I called his number back and no one answered. I called my mom to see what she was doing and she said that she was trying to see if Cort had any missed calls or texts. I had to explain to her that she cannot let that happen again. Seeing his name on my phone felt like a sign that he was letting me know he is OK.
I received my first letter from Cort last week. He is doing great. His first day at the MTC they made him a district leader. I am very proud of him. I write him all the time. I have seen that my parents also write him every night. Their letters are a paragraph or two my letters are a page or two. Today at work I was talking to one of my co-workers and she asked how Cort was doing. I was about ready to answer when my blackberry vibrated. I looked down and it said I had an email from Cort. Before I even looked to see what it was I replied back to him with this, " Are you there?" I desperately wanted him to respond with a yes..I got nothing. I looked back at my blackberry as if he had slipped through my hands. I checked to see what I had received from Cort.. It was an email from him. For a moment I knew he was right there with me. I went to show bud the email and call my dad so that I could forward it to him. In his email he stated that he leaves the 20th at 6:30am for Kentucky. I talked to my mom and she asked if he gets to call us so I thought why not email him and see if I can get an answer. I emailed him and about 20min later I get a response...This is just what I needed. I didn't care what the email said I was too excited that I got a response. He will get to call home.
I have decided that I love email. Email for me is like texting for the rest of the human population. In his email he was cracking jokes and excited about life. I love and miss him just being around. I was telling bud as we were driving home tonight that I just wish he would walk in the room.

Kacee, you are soooo cute! I love that you love your brother so much, it makes me smile! (and a little teary eyed! darn hormones) Love you!