Everyday it seems that we do the same thing. When I say we I mean the Human race. We get up and start the day whether we go to work or stay home with children. Most people have routines or tasks that have to be done each and every day. There are so many times that I wish I would have stopped and really looked and evaluated myself. The last week or so has been one of these weeks. My grandfather's health was going down hill so my parents decided last Sunday to put him in a care facility to be evaluated. We each have taken time out of our normal schedules and lives to go and see him. To comfort him and let him know that he is not alone. As the last week has come and gone he has steadily gotten worse. At 3:00am this morning I received a phone call from my mom telling me that my grandfather only has a couple of hours left. I ran through the house, threw on some close and headed to the facility. I got there around 3:30-3:45. I Walked into his room knowing that I was about to lose the only grandfather I have left. As I walked into his room I took a deep breathe and watched my grandmother hold his hand with both my parents sitting at his bedside. As we are sitting there one of the nurses tells us that if we keep the oxygen on it would be a couple of hours and if we remove it we would have about a half hour. My grandmother wanted to take it off and my dad wanted it on. At 5:00 am I called Bud and asked if he was coming up. As we sat there waiting for Bud and reminiscing of times with my grandfather my dad asked me if I know what today is. It is my parents 32nd wedding anniversary. What a way to start celebrating. As one marriage is celebrated another is fading away. Bud joined us by about 5:30. Around 5:40 we decided to take off the oxygen for my grandmother's sake. In a matter of a couple of minutes and a few short breathes he left us.

When my parents got back to their house it was time to make the call to Cort's Mission Pres. I think this is all I have been thinking about for the last week. Cort. has an amazing relationship with my grandfather. My Grandfather passing away was one of two of Cort's biggest worries before he ever left for his mission. My mom called and told him and he said tat he would forward the message to Cort. Within 10 min the phone rings and my mom answered and it's Cort. We talked to him for about 40min. That was the Highlight for all of us. We didn't think we would get to talk to him. He is doing great he said that he can't have any one else pass away while he is gone. He has been out since July 1st and there have now been 3 deaths. Enough is enough, I agree with him. I told him that we would talk to him in about 50days. He sounded great on the phone about the whole thing. I hope that he can stay strong while dealing with this.
We love you. We are so sad for your family.