Caleb helped me bring up our tree tonight. He had to be in bed early since he has to work tomorrow morning. I have done our tree in the past with no issues. Tonight was another story. I got the tree turned so that I can plug it into the wall. There is a strand of lights that only half the lights are choosing to work. I swapped out three lights and just became more frustrated with it that I gave up. Caleb happened to come downstairs to take some pills. I showed him how the lights were not playing nicely. He said to decorate it and he will play with the light tomorrow. Deal. I had gone to a craft store earlier tonight and bought a couple of unfinished words. I bought a can of spray paint and some ribbon. The words had a red ribbon attached. Red does not match my tree. I turned on all of the lights I could without sending a bright glow underneath our bedroom door. The last thing Caleb needs is our bedroom to be light up like Vegas. I got everything on the tree and it looks good in the dark. I can't wait to come down the stairs in the morning to a collage of crap and ask myself, "why did I even waste my time attempting to get the tree up"? I did snap a picture of it in the dark, and here it is. (At the bottom of the tree you can see the "Believe" word that I painted and put new ribbon on. At the top of the tree you can see "Joy" which I also did.) I am very pleased with the outcome of my words. We will see in the morning what I think of the rest of it.

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