I am sitting on the couch watching the MLS Cup as Caleb sleeps. He wanted to record this so he can watch it tomorrow. I have never really been a fan of soccer. I understand that this game is a defense game but I need points. I have been thinking, maybe I can go back and forth between channels. I am hesitant because if I change it will it stop recording? I am not willing to stop recording. Finally a goal is scored, too bad it was not REAL. The great thing is I get to sit and watch the second half....YIPEE. I also don't understand how two people can have an assist. If three or four people would have touched the ball before the goal would they also get an assist? Goal for REAL. We are tied. I kicked my coffee table because of how exciting that was. A shoot out. This game is intense. I am glad that I did not change the channel and got to watch REAL take it.

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