Christmas Party
Tonight we had a Christmas party for Caleb's mother's side of the family. Caleb was there for about an hour then headed home to go to bed since he has to be at work by 2:00am. This is the last week of this schedule...and I could not be more excited. The party tonight was fun. I was not really in the mood for pictures maybe because being solo in a picture is not always flattering unless you are a toddler or baby. Between my sister-n-laws and mother-n-law out to snap a couple. I think they got every body part but my face tonight. Even if you photoshop them together there is no chance of getting anything out of it. YIPPEE.
I cannot believe how close Christmas is...This week. I should hopefully find out tomorrow what time Cort is calling home. It is kinda hard to plan around something when you have no idea when it is happening. I hope he calls in the morning while we are at my parents otherwise I am not sure how we are going to juggle everything.
Can traditions be broken? Is there such thing as a free pass? If a tradition doesn't happen one year and does the next is it still considered a tradition? Caleb and I both feel that some traditions this year have or will be broken. I guess we will just have to see. We still have a few days for these to happen.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Who would have guessed????
Caleb saves the day. He worked on our tree lights and we are back to 100%. There is no more black hole of death. All I can say is he is amazing. We all knew that well before him working on the lights. He has been and will be working a weird shift until Christmas. He goes to bed around 5:30pm and I get home from work around 6:00pm. During the week it has been hard not seeing him. The pro to his schedule is he gets off work by 10:00am. Who wouldn't love to be off that early? But there is no way this girl could get up and be out of the house by 1:30am. We both look forward to the weekends to have time to spend with each other. I have been taking full advantage. I love to sit on the couch, put my head on his chest and cuddle up to him.
I am a girl who loves countdowns. I sent out an email to a couple of people on the 30th letting them know there is 25 days until Christmas. I also apologized that they will have to put up with me between now and then. As of today we are at 23 days. Happy Holidays.
Caleb saves the day. He worked on our tree lights and we are back to 100%. There is no more black hole of death. All I can say is he is amazing. We all knew that well before him working on the lights. He has been and will be working a weird shift until Christmas. He goes to bed around 5:30pm and I get home from work around 6:00pm. During the week it has been hard not seeing him. The pro to his schedule is he gets off work by 10:00am. Who wouldn't love to be off that early? But there is no way this girl could get up and be out of the house by 1:30am. We both look forward to the weekends to have time to spend with each other. I have been taking full advantage. I love to sit on the couch, put my head on his chest and cuddle up to him.
I am a girl who loves countdowns. I sent out an email to a couple of people on the 30th letting them know there is 25 days until Christmas. I also apologized that they will have to put up with me between now and then. As of today we are at 23 days. Happy Holidays.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
O Christmas you frustrate me.
Caleb helped me bring up our tree tonight. He had to be in bed early since he has to work tomorrow morning. I have done our tree in the past with no issues. Tonight was another story. I got the tree turned so that I can plug it into the wall. There is a strand of lights that only half the lights are choosing to work. I swapped out three lights and just became more frustrated with it that I gave up. Caleb happened to come downstairs to take some pills. I showed him how the lights were not playing nicely. He said to decorate it and he will play with the light tomorrow. Deal. I had gone to a craft store earlier tonight and bought a couple of unfinished words. I bought a can of spray paint and some ribbon. The words had a red ribbon attached. Red does not match my tree. I turned on all of the lights I could without sending a bright glow underneath our bedroom door. The last thing Caleb needs is our bedroom to be light up like Vegas. I got everything on the tree and it looks good in the dark. I can't wait to come down the stairs in the morning to a collage of crap and ask myself, "why did I even waste my time attempting to get the tree up"? I did snap a picture of it in the dark, and here it is. (At the bottom of the tree you can see the "Believe" word that I painted and put new ribbon on. At the top of the tree you can see "Joy" which I also did.) I am very pleased with the outcome of my words. We will see in the morning what I think of the rest of it.

Caleb helped me bring up our tree tonight. He had to be in bed early since he has to work tomorrow morning. I have done our tree in the past with no issues. Tonight was another story. I got the tree turned so that I can plug it into the wall. There is a strand of lights that only half the lights are choosing to work. I swapped out three lights and just became more frustrated with it that I gave up. Caleb happened to come downstairs to take some pills. I showed him how the lights were not playing nicely. He said to decorate it and he will play with the light tomorrow. Deal. I had gone to a craft store earlier tonight and bought a couple of unfinished words. I bought a can of spray paint and some ribbon. The words had a red ribbon attached. Red does not match my tree. I turned on all of the lights I could without sending a bright glow underneath our bedroom door. The last thing Caleb needs is our bedroom to be light up like Vegas. I got everything on the tree and it looks good in the dark. I can't wait to come down the stairs in the morning to a collage of crap and ask myself, "why did I even waste my time attempting to get the tree up"? I did snap a picture of it in the dark, and here it is. (At the bottom of the tree you can see the "Believe" word that I painted and put new ribbon on. At the top of the tree you can see "Joy" which I also did.) I am very pleased with the outcome of my words. We will see in the morning what I think of the rest of it.

Here is the proof that my car was not made to go up and over an unfinished island in the middle of the road. Thinking about it now, I wish I would have had someone in the car with me. We could have reenacted the movie Titanic. My passenger could have yelled out, "island straight ahead". Then I play my part as the captain and run right into it. Instead of drowning in cold water, we freeze in the snow. Sorry I have to kinda make fun of the situation to balance out how upset I really am that this happened.
Here is the proof that my car was not made to go up and over an unfinished island in the middle of the road. Thinking about it now, I wish I would have had someone in the car with me. We could have reenacted the movie Titanic. My passenger could have yelled out, "island straight ahead". Then I play my part as the captain and run right into it. Instead of drowning in cold water, we freeze in the snow. Sorry I have to kinda make fun of the situation to balance out how upset I really am that this happened.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
I am sitting on the couch watching the MLS Cup as Caleb sleeps. He wanted to record this so he can watch it tomorrow. I have never really been a fan of soccer. I understand that this game is a defense game but I need points. I have been thinking, maybe I can go back and forth between channels. I am hesitant because if I change it will it stop recording? I am not willing to stop recording. Finally a goal is scored, too bad it was not REAL. The great thing is I get to sit and watch the second half....YIPEE. I also don't understand how two people can have an assist. If three or four people would have touched the ball before the goal would they also get an assist? Goal for REAL. We are tied. I kicked my coffee table because of how exciting that was. A shoot out. This game is intense. I am glad that I did not change the channel and got to watch REAL take it.

I am sitting on the couch watching the MLS Cup as Caleb sleeps. He wanted to record this so he can watch it tomorrow. I have never really been a fan of soccer. I understand that this game is a defense game but I need points. I have been thinking, maybe I can go back and forth between channels. I am hesitant because if I change it will it stop recording? I am not willing to stop recording. Finally a goal is scored, too bad it was not REAL. The great thing is I get to sit and watch the second half....YIPEE. I also don't understand how two people can have an assist. If three or four people would have touched the ball before the goal would they also get an assist? Goal for REAL. We are tied. I kicked my coffee table because of how exciting that was. A shoot out. This game is intense. I am glad that I did not change the channel and got to watch REAL take it.

Friday, November 13, 2009
So just when you think things could not get worse.....
Last night I was driving home during the storm and I got into a car accident. There is new construction and I ended going over a curb into the center median, down into the dirt and up and over the other side. We should know more today on how much damage I did to the car. Being that today is Friday the 13th I think I will stay inside the house.
Last night I was driving home during the storm and I got into a car accident. There is new construction and I ended going over a curb into the center median, down into the dirt and up and over the other side. We should know more today on how much damage I did to the car. Being that today is Friday the 13th I think I will stay inside the house.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The bad and the good...
Everyday it seems that we do the same thing. When I say we I mean the Human race. We get up and start the day whether we go to work or stay home with children. Most people have routines or tasks that have to be done each and every day. There are so many times that I wish I would have stopped and really looked and evaluated myself. The last week or so has been one of these weeks. My grandfather's health was going down hill so my parents decided last Sunday to put him in a care facility to be evaluated. We each have taken time out of our normal schedules and lives to go and see him. To comfort him and let him know that he is not alone. As the last week has come and gone he has steadily gotten worse. At 3:00am this morning I received a phone call from my mom telling me that my grandfather only has a couple of hours left. I ran through the house, threw on some close and headed to the facility. I got there around 3:30-3:45. I Walked into his room knowing that I was about to lose the only grandfather I have left. As I walked into his room I took a deep breathe and watched my grandmother hold his hand with both my parents sitting at his bedside. As we are sitting there one of the nurses tells us that if we keep the oxygen on it would be a couple of hours and if we remove it we would have about a half hour. My grandmother wanted to take it off and my dad wanted it on. At 5:00 am I called Bud and asked if he was coming up. As we sat there waiting for Bud and reminiscing of times with my grandfather my dad asked me if I know what today is. It is my parents 32nd wedding anniversary. What a way to start celebrating. As one marriage is celebrated another is fading away. Bud joined us by about 5:30. Around 5:40 we decided to take off the oxygen for my grandmother's sake. In a matter of a couple of minutes and a few short breathes he left us.
(June 21st 1920 - November 12th 2009)
Everyday it seems that we do the same thing. When I say we I mean the Human race. We get up and start the day whether we go to work or stay home with children. Most people have routines or tasks that have to be done each and every day. There are so many times that I wish I would have stopped and really looked and evaluated myself. The last week or so has been one of these weeks. My grandfather's health was going down hill so my parents decided last Sunday to put him in a care facility to be evaluated. We each have taken time out of our normal schedules and lives to go and see him. To comfort him and let him know that he is not alone. As the last week has come and gone he has steadily gotten worse. At 3:00am this morning I received a phone call from my mom telling me that my grandfather only has a couple of hours left. I ran through the house, threw on some close and headed to the facility. I got there around 3:30-3:45. I Walked into his room knowing that I was about to lose the only grandfather I have left. As I walked into his room I took a deep breathe and watched my grandmother hold his hand with both my parents sitting at his bedside. As we are sitting there one of the nurses tells us that if we keep the oxygen on it would be a couple of hours and if we remove it we would have about a half hour. My grandmother wanted to take it off and my dad wanted it on. At 5:00 am I called Bud and asked if he was coming up. As we sat there waiting for Bud and reminiscing of times with my grandfather my dad asked me if I know what today is. It is my parents 32nd wedding anniversary. What a way to start celebrating. As one marriage is celebrated another is fading away. Bud joined us by about 5:30. Around 5:40 we decided to take off the oxygen for my grandmother's sake. In a matter of a couple of minutes and a few short breathes he left us.

When my parents got back to their house it was time to make the call to Cort's Mission Pres. I think this is all I have been thinking about for the last week. Cort. has an amazing relationship with my grandfather. My Grandfather passing away was one of two of Cort's biggest worries before he ever left for his mission. My mom called and told him and he said tat he would forward the message to Cort. Within 10 min the phone rings and my mom answered and it's Cort. We talked to him for about 40min. That was the Highlight for all of us. We didn't think we would get to talk to him. He is doing great he said that he can't have any one else pass away while he is gone. He has been out since July 1st and there have now been 3 deaths. Enough is enough, I agree with him. I told him that we would talk to him in about 50days. He sounded great on the phone about the whole thing. I hope that he can stay strong while dealing with this.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I am going to have a new family member.....
Bud is Engaged.... I still can't believe that he asked Laura to marry him. He has always talked about just living with my parents forever and not wanting to get married until he was 40. I am so excited for him and Laura. He and I had made a scrapbook and at the end of it he proposed. Bud had asked Cort to take a picture of him and send it to him to add as the first person to say congrats. Cort's pic was amazing. He also colored a congrats picture and sent it with the picture so both the pic and the artwork made it into the scrapbook. She along with everyone else was very surprised. They will probably be getting married sometime in the spring. I am not sure of an exact time frame. I am sooooo proud of him and I feel honored to be his big sister.
Cort is doing great. He has had the best and worst week yet. He and his companion teach seminary to students on Wednesdays. One of the two girls they teach was killed in a roll over. He and his companion have been dealing with her passing. On a lighter note Cort and his companion were cleaning their car out and Cort ran into the bathroom to grab the Windex that is under the bathroom sink. When Cort opened the cupboard door there was an animal in the cabinet. He ran out to get his companion to come in and see what he found. The companion opened the cabinet door and told Cort it was a possum. His companion grabbed the broom and tried to push it back through the hole where it crawled through. (the hole is for the plumbing/pipe) Well they could not get it to go back out so they called their landlord who came over with a gun and shot it. Are you kidding me? I can picture Cort freaking out. Both my brothers are terrified of spiders let alone a nice surprise next to the Windex.
Bud is Engaged.... I still can't believe that he asked Laura to marry him. He has always talked about just living with my parents forever and not wanting to get married until he was 40. I am so excited for him and Laura. He and I had made a scrapbook and at the end of it he proposed. Bud had asked Cort to take a picture of him and send it to him to add as the first person to say congrats. Cort's pic was amazing. He also colored a congrats picture and sent it with the picture so both the pic and the artwork made it into the scrapbook. She along with everyone else was very surprised. They will probably be getting married sometime in the spring. I am not sure of an exact time frame. I am sooooo proud of him and I feel honored to be his big sister.
Cort is doing great. He has had the best and worst week yet. He and his companion teach seminary to students on Wednesdays. One of the two girls they teach was killed in a roll over. He and his companion have been dealing with her passing. On a lighter note Cort and his companion were cleaning their car out and Cort ran into the bathroom to grab the Windex that is under the bathroom sink. When Cort opened the cupboard door there was an animal in the cabinet. He ran out to get his companion to come in and see what he found. The companion opened the cabinet door and told Cort it was a possum. His companion grabbed the broom and tried to push it back through the hole where it crawled through. (the hole is for the plumbing/pipe) Well they could not get it to go back out so they called their landlord who came over with a gun and shot it. Are you kidding me? I can picture Cort freaking out. Both my brothers are terrified of spiders let alone a nice surprise next to the Windex.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Take out and cleaning....
There is a new Olive Garden in town and Caleb and I might be considered to join the frequent eaters take out group. We can call in an order and pick it up in 15-20 mins. Life just got a whole lot easier for a girl who does not cook. The individual proportions are the big enough for a family of five. A little bit of my heart belongs to the new Olive Garden....oh the bread sticks....
Am I the only person who has a lot of free time (now that I am not in school) that seems to want to do nothing but sit on the couch? I know that there are things that need to be done around the house. I need to get my rear in gear and be more productive around the house. Being that it is only Caleb and I living in our home it should not get too out of control...but then I look around and have to re-evaluate. I tend to ask myself that if someone dropped in would I be ok inviting them into our home? Overall I would consider our home clean...maybe just not to my own standards. By no means would our home be condemned by the health department...I am just not sure If I would do so much black furniture in our next home.
There is a new Olive Garden in town and Caleb and I might be considered to join the frequent eaters take out group. We can call in an order and pick it up in 15-20 mins. Life just got a whole lot easier for a girl who does not cook. The individual proportions are the big enough for a family of five. A little bit of my heart belongs to the new Olive Garden....oh the bread sticks....
Am I the only person who has a lot of free time (now that I am not in school) that seems to want to do nothing but sit on the couch? I know that there are things that need to be done around the house. I need to get my rear in gear and be more productive around the house. Being that it is only Caleb and I living in our home it should not get too out of control...but then I look around and have to re-evaluate. I tend to ask myself that if someone dropped in would I be ok inviting them into our home? Overall I would consider our home clean...maybe just not to my own standards. By no means would our home be condemned by the health department...I am just not sure If I would do so much black furniture in our next home.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Two weeks worth....or more.
It has been a while since I have updated our blog. We have had a lot going on so bare with me. On Friday Sept. 4th Caleb celebrated his Birthday. We went out to dinner with his parents to his favorite place to eat. We had a good time. Saturday we headed down to Yuba for the family reunion. We played catch and sat around catching up with everyone. Families were going to be showing up on different days. We left Sunday around 1:30 and got home just before 3:00. We got showered and cleaned up and headed to my parents house around 4:15. We went over to celebrate Caleb's Birthday with my family. My grandpa Gardner was having a hard time for the first couple of hours we were there. We almost had to call 911 to have an ambulance come and pick him up. We were finally able to get him up and going and sit around the table with us. We were trying to work on Cortney's Birthday present. Monday morning I got a phone call from my mom that my Uncle Pat had been in an accident and as a result he passed away. later that afternoon Caleb's parents called to tell us they were broken down and needed some help. All of this in one weekend is a bit much.
The weekend of the 12th I worked on Saturday for my companies open house. I had spent a lot of time working on everything for the open house and it went great. I sent off a package to Cort for his Birthday which was on the 14th. It was kind of hard day without him here. He wrote his letter home and I was pretty emotional when reading it. the fact that it was his first birthday not at home did not set easily for me. I have been thinking a lot about him lately and MISS him a ton.
This past weekend Caleb and I had a lot going on. Saturday morning around 7:00 am Caleb, his dad and brother all went down to help his grandparents install a sprinkler system. At 10:00 am I went to my nieces volleyball game. She played great and won. It is amazing to see these tiny kids playing a game that I love soooo much. Caleb and I then had our nieces 1st birthday party at 3:00. We went out to Chelsea and Nic's house to celebrate. We left there around 5:00 and ran to the dry cleaners and then home to get ready. We headed to our 10 year class reunion which started at 7:00pm. The class reunion was a class reunion. A couple of people walked around trying to sell them self as a huge success. I told Caleb that I was going to have a hard time with a few people not being able to tell which person out of the husband and wife we actually went to school with. One guy walked up and started talking to Caleb and asked if I was his wife and put his hand out to shake my hand. Caleb then told him that I went to high School with them. That was a highlight of my night.
I cannot believe that we have been out of high school for 10 years. I am not sure if a 10 year class reunion is considered a milestone in ones life but it puts your age into perspective. Wow. I need to try and keep this updated a little more often so that it does not turn into a novel every time.
It has been a while since I have updated our blog. We have had a lot going on so bare with me. On Friday Sept. 4th Caleb celebrated his Birthday. We went out to dinner with his parents to his favorite place to eat. We had a good time. Saturday we headed down to Yuba for the family reunion. We played catch and sat around catching up with everyone. Families were going to be showing up on different days. We left Sunday around 1:30 and got home just before 3:00. We got showered and cleaned up and headed to my parents house around 4:15. We went over to celebrate Caleb's Birthday with my family. My grandpa Gardner was having a hard time for the first couple of hours we were there. We almost had to call 911 to have an ambulance come and pick him up. We were finally able to get him up and going and sit around the table with us. We were trying to work on Cortney's Birthday present. Monday morning I got a phone call from my mom that my Uncle Pat had been in an accident and as a result he passed away. later that afternoon Caleb's parents called to tell us they were broken down and needed some help. All of this in one weekend is a bit much.
The weekend of the 12th I worked on Saturday for my companies open house. I had spent a lot of time working on everything for the open house and it went great. I sent off a package to Cort for his Birthday which was on the 14th. It was kind of hard day without him here. He wrote his letter home and I was pretty emotional when reading it. the fact that it was his first birthday not at home did not set easily for me. I have been thinking a lot about him lately and MISS him a ton.
This past weekend Caleb and I had a lot going on. Saturday morning around 7:00 am Caleb, his dad and brother all went down to help his grandparents install a sprinkler system. At 10:00 am I went to my nieces volleyball game. She played great and won. It is amazing to see these tiny kids playing a game that I love soooo much. Caleb and I then had our nieces 1st birthday party at 3:00. We went out to Chelsea and Nic's house to celebrate. We left there around 5:00 and ran to the dry cleaners and then home to get ready. We headed to our 10 year class reunion which started at 7:00pm. The class reunion was a class reunion. A couple of people walked around trying to sell them self as a huge success. I told Caleb that I was going to have a hard time with a few people not being able to tell which person out of the husband and wife we actually went to school with. One guy walked up and started talking to Caleb and asked if I was his wife and put his hand out to shake my hand. Caleb then told him that I went to high School with them. That was a highlight of my night.
I cannot believe that we have been out of high school for 10 years. I am not sure if a 10 year class reunion is considered a milestone in ones life but it puts your age into perspective. Wow. I need to try and keep this updated a little more often so that it does not turn into a novel every time.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I love count downs everyone who knows me knows this about me. I have been counting down the number of classes I have left until I graduate. Well let me fill you in....I AM DONE...FINISHED...Graduated...It only took about two and a half years to get my degree. I don't think it has really hit me yet. I am sure it will when I don't have to actually go straight from work to the campus. Caleb and I have a few things going on that I am sure will keep me busy. Caleb started the fall semester last week. I have mentioned that he is good at everything he does. He had to help both of his teachers teach the class during both summer classes. I Love him tons...
My niece has decided to take up volleyball. I could not be happier not only for her but me. Out of all her choices she chooses something that means soooo much to me. She sent me a text (from her mother's phone) and asked if I would help her with her serves. she came over last week and we worked on them in my backyard and front yard. She is going to be amazing. I love that she will ask for help and actually listens. When I coached High School volleyball they did not listen to me as well as she did. She was scheduled to have her first game last Sat. but she was not feeling very good. I told her that I would come to all of her games. I will post some pics of her playing in her games once I attend one.
This weekend we have a family re-union on Caleb's mom's side of the family at Yuba Lake. I will take some pics and post them with an update of how it went. I am hoping for Fun in the Sun being a beach bum. I have to keep reminding myself that this beach is going to be nothing like Hawaii, Cancun or Grand Cayman.
My niece has decided to take up volleyball. I could not be happier not only for her but me. Out of all her choices she chooses something that means soooo much to me. She sent me a text (from her mother's phone) and asked if I would help her with her serves. she came over last week and we worked on them in my backyard and front yard. She is going to be amazing. I love that she will ask for help and actually listens. When I coached High School volleyball they did not listen to me as well as she did. She was scheduled to have her first game last Sat. but she was not feeling very good. I told her that I would come to all of her games. I will post some pics of her playing in her games once I attend one.
This weekend we have a family re-union on Caleb's mom's side of the family at Yuba Lake. I will take some pics and post them with an update of how it went. I am hoping for Fun in the Sun being a beach bum. I have to keep reminding myself that this beach is going to be nothing like Hawaii, Cancun or Grand Cayman.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Our Weekend
On Friday night Caleb and I went out to dinner and to the mall. A pretty normal night for us.
Saturday I went and ran some errands while Caleb went and rented a bobcat looking thing to start working on our pond. We went to dinner with a few of my co-workers up in Ogden. We had a good time. I won the game that we played which made it even better. We ended up leaving around 11:00 which means we didn't get home until after 12:00. It was a long and busy day for the both of us. Busy days are good except they go by way too fast.
This morning Caleb got up and started working on his truck then our backyard. We are putting in a water fall and pond. (When I say we I mean Caleb.) Caleb worked on that all day. He really made some progress with it. Here are a couple of pictures that I tried to take.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I never really post about Caleb. I post about things that are going on in our lives but never just about him. I think sometimes I take for granted how great he truly is. Here are some of the things that I love about him and that make him an amazing person and husband.
1. He is a Freaking Genius. (as many people have described him.)
2. He is good at everything he does.
3. He loves to torment our nieces and nephews in a playful uncle way.
4. He is a HUGE computer geek.
5. He does not like sweets.
6. He loves me...even when I sit and watch him pull weeds.
7. Who does everyone call when they need help??? Caleb.
8. He owns a paintball company.
9. He loves Milk.
10. He is going to school.
11. He hates taking naps.
12. He loves to be out of the house.
13. He is a great provider.
14. He loves to whistle.
15. He sleeps on the right side of the bed.
16. He has gorgeous hazel eyes.
17. He has the cutest giggle if you can get him going.
18. He is strong willed.
19. He has a huge heart.
20. He is all mine.
21. He does not like to play video games.
22. He does not like to hunt or fish...THANK YOU.
23. Everyone calls him for his matter what it is.
24. He wishes I would cook more.
25. He drives a black truck.
26. He does not eat seafood.
27. He loves to go camping.
28. He hates buying clothes for himself.
29.He drives everywhere we exceptions..I love it...
30. I know that someday he will be a great dad.
31. He is so caring.
32. He does not mind re-introducing himself every time we see my grandpa Gardner.
33. He loves to take pictures. (from behind the camera)
34. He is willing to listen when I need to talk.
35. He is trustworthy
36. He is dependable
1. He is a Freaking Genius. (as many people have described him.)
2. He is good at everything he does.
3. He loves to torment our nieces and nephews in a playful uncle way.
4. He is a HUGE computer geek.
5. He does not like sweets.
6. He loves me...even when I sit and watch him pull weeds.
7. Who does everyone call when they need help??? Caleb.
8. He owns a paintball company.
9. He loves Milk.
10. He is going to school.
11. He hates taking naps.
12. He loves to be out of the house.
13. He is a great provider.
14. He loves to whistle.
15. He sleeps on the right side of the bed.
16. He has gorgeous hazel eyes.
17. He has the cutest giggle if you can get him going.
18. He is strong willed.
19. He has a huge heart.
20. He is all mine.
21. He does not like to play video games.
22. He does not like to hunt or fish...THANK YOU.
23. Everyone calls him for his matter what it is.
24. He wishes I would cook more.
25. He drives a black truck.
26. He does not eat seafood.
27. He loves to go camping.
28. He hates buying clothes for himself.
29.He drives everywhere we exceptions..I love it...
30. I know that someday he will be a great dad.
31. He is so caring.
32. He does not mind re-introducing himself every time we see my grandpa Gardner.
33. He loves to take pictures. (from behind the camera)
34. He is willing to listen when I need to talk.
35. He is trustworthy
36. He is dependable
37. He is a good kisser
38. He does our finances
39. He mows the lawn and takes the garbage out.40. He wants a boat someday
41. He is proud of me
42. He is successful43. 45. He loves to travel
44. He is giving45. He is not big into watching sports
46. He kisses me goodnight
47. He can be quiet sometimes
48. He doesn't have back hair
49. He treats me with respect and tender love
50. He may come off super serious sometimes, but he is really funny..or so he thinks he is..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Quilt....
In Cort's last email home he asked my mom to make him a craft. It is a weird request but we have to do something for him. My mom came up with the idea to make Cort a quilt. When she mentioned this to me I was thinking to myself...Are you kidding me? I do not quilt or sew...this should be good. So last Wednesday night I went over to my parents house to make a quilt. My mom had bought two fleece pieces of material and we had to just the edges and tie them in knots. It did not sound hard since there was no needle needed. We laid it out on the living room floor, get one side cut and tied. We move around the blanket to the next side and I realize the top piece of material upside down. Every piece of material has a wrong and right side. Well leave it to use to just get going and not pay attention. We recruited Bud to help untie everything we had just done so that we could flip it over and fix our mistake. Once we fixed it we were not going to stop until it was done. Sitting on the floor for long periods of time is not a good thing for the Gardner family. I started it off with a charlie horse in the arch of my foot, Bud lasted all 15 min before the arthritis in his knees kicked in and my mom ended the quilt with a charlie horse in her thigh. So as they saying pain no gain. I stayed over to my parents until we got it done. We had a good time doing this with my grandparents sitting on the couch watching us. It actually turned out pretty good. Here are a couple of pictures.

In Cort's last email home he asked my mom to make him a craft. It is a weird request but we have to do something for him. My mom came up with the idea to make Cort a quilt. When she mentioned this to me I was thinking to myself...Are you kidding me? I do not quilt or sew...this should be good. So last Wednesday night I went over to my parents house to make a quilt. My mom had bought two fleece pieces of material and we had to just the edges and tie them in knots. It did not sound hard since there was no needle needed. We laid it out on the living room floor, get one side cut and tied. We move around the blanket to the next side and I realize the top piece of material upside down. Every piece of material has a wrong and right side. Well leave it to use to just get going and not pay attention. We recruited Bud to help untie everything we had just done so that we could flip it over and fix our mistake. Once we fixed it we were not going to stop until it was done. Sitting on the floor for long periods of time is not a good thing for the Gardner family. I started it off with a charlie horse in the arch of my foot, Bud lasted all 15 min before the arthritis in his knees kicked in and my mom ended the quilt with a charlie horse in her thigh. So as they saying pain no gain. I stayed over to my parents until we got it done. We had a good time doing this with my grandparents sitting on the couch watching us. It actually turned out pretty good. Here are a couple of pictures.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Pioneer Weekend
Our weekend started Thursday night. Caleb and I went to see the new South Jordan Temple with his family. We went over to his parents house for pizza after. Caleb and I got up Friday morning and ran to the social security office. Some how we could not find our social security cards so we went to get new ones. We had to run around town to get ready for our camping trip. What better way to celebrate Pioneer day than living as a modern day pioneer. (a few modern necessities.) Bud, Laura, Caleb and I went up on Friday around 2:00pm. It started off great weather then as the night went on it started to rain. I taught them a new game that I had learned from my mother-n-law. For anyone that knows Caleb he is far from being a game player. He decided to play and beat the three of us with ease. I would lose every time if it meant he would play every time. Caleb's dad was in town this weekend. Caleb family decided to join us camping on Sat. for just the day. It was great having everyone up there away from the chaos of everyday life. We really enjoyed our camping trip. we came home today. I love being home. We ran over to see my parents for a few minutes. My dad needed Caleb's help with his new printer.
Side note - I think today was a first. Caleb was not able to help my dad with a geeky tech. thing. Even though he was not able to help my dad I love him more than I ever have.
Our weekend started Thursday night. Caleb and I went to see the new South Jordan Temple with his family. We went over to his parents house for pizza after. Caleb and I got up Friday morning and ran to the social security office. Some how we could not find our social security cards so we went to get new ones. We had to run around town to get ready for our camping trip. What better way to celebrate Pioneer day than living as a modern day pioneer. (a few modern necessities.) Bud, Laura, Caleb and I went up on Friday around 2:00pm. It started off great weather then as the night went on it started to rain. I taught them a new game that I had learned from my mother-n-law. For anyone that knows Caleb he is far from being a game player. He decided to play and beat the three of us with ease. I would lose every time if it meant he would play every time. Caleb's dad was in town this weekend. Caleb family decided to join us camping on Sat. for just the day. It was great having everyone up there away from the chaos of everyday life. We really enjoyed our camping trip. we came home today. I love being home. We ran over to see my parents for a few minutes. My dad needed Caleb's help with his new printer.
Side note - I think today was a first. Caleb was not able to help my dad with a geeky tech. thing. Even though he was not able to help my dad I love him more than I ever have.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hello Kentucky....
On Monday Cortney left for Kentucky. Our family got to talk to Cort while he was at the Salt Lake airport and the Dallas airport. I headed to my parents house about 4:45am on Monday to get my couple of min to hear his voice. I crawled into bed with my mom and then the phone rings...I answer it and on the other end is Cort. The anticipation of getting to talk to him was almost too much. To hear his voice and the joy that he feels is pouring through the phone. I knew that he was grinning from ear to ear. I asked him if he was doing good he told me that things could not be better. He was filled with excitement to get out of the MTC and join the ranks of his peers.
I went home took a shower and got ready to go to work hoping that he would call back when he landed in Dallas. We did not talk about him calling me during his three hour layover. Would it even cross his mind??? I sent a text to his friend and let her know how great he sounded. As I drove into work I called my mom to ask if he had called her back. She said no. I told her if he does call back to let him know he can call me if he wants, I would not mind. She was quick on the phone because she did not want to miss him if he did call again. I arrived to work, logged onto my computer and within 5 min my phone rings. It was him...thank you..thank you...He wanted to talk to me. He said he had to go after about 10min on the phone. He finishes the conversation with stay strong, keep smiling because life is good.
He is AMAZING that is about all I can say and what is better than that. Here is a pic of him when he arrived at his mission home. He is looking good and somewhat tall in this pic.
On Monday Cortney left for Kentucky. Our family got to talk to Cort while he was at the Salt Lake airport and the Dallas airport. I headed to my parents house about 4:45am on Monday to get my couple of min to hear his voice. I crawled into bed with my mom and then the phone rings...I answer it and on the other end is Cort. The anticipation of getting to talk to him was almost too much. To hear his voice and the joy that he feels is pouring through the phone. I knew that he was grinning from ear to ear. I asked him if he was doing good he told me that things could not be better. He was filled with excitement to get out of the MTC and join the ranks of his peers.
I went home took a shower and got ready to go to work hoping that he would call back when he landed in Dallas. We did not talk about him calling me during his three hour layover. Would it even cross his mind??? I sent a text to his friend and let her know how great he sounded. As I drove into work I called my mom to ask if he had called her back. She said no. I told her if he does call back to let him know he can call me if he wants, I would not mind. She was quick on the phone because she did not want to miss him if he did call again. I arrived to work, logged onto my computer and within 5 min my phone rings. It was him...thank you..thank you...He wanted to talk to me. He said he had to go after about 10min on the phone. He finishes the conversation with stay strong, keep smiling because life is good.
He is AMAZING that is about all I can say and what is better than that. Here is a pic of him when he arrived at his mission home. He is looking good and somewhat tall in this pic.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Two weeks worth....
I cannot believe that it has been two weeks since my last post. We had a great 4th of July with family. Caleb's dad was in town which is always nice. Coby and Emi had Braxton's baby blessing on the 5th. We had brunch after over at my mother and father-n-laws home. Caleb had Friday- Monday off with me. We had a great four day weekend. We came to the conclusion that we need more long weekends together.

Bud and I started carpooling to work and I have had the opportunity to attend some of his b-ball games. The first game that I got stuck going to was a great game. I was sitting in the stands with my phone and Bud's in my lap. My phone rang, I looked down to answer it and it said Cort was calling. My heart dropped along with the missed call. It was almost a panic feeling that he tried to call and I missed it. I called his number back and no one answered. I called my mom to see what she was doing and she said that she was trying to see if Cort had any missed calls or texts. I had to explain to her that she cannot let that happen again. Seeing his name on my phone felt like a sign that he was letting me know he is OK.
I received my first letter from Cort last week. He is doing great. His first day at the MTC they made him a district leader. I am very proud of him. I write him all the time. I have seen that my parents also write him every night. Their letters are a paragraph or two my letters are a page or two. Today at work I was talking to one of my co-workers and she asked how Cort was doing. I was about ready to answer when my blackberry vibrated. I looked down and it said I had an email from Cort. Before I even looked to see what it was I replied back to him with this, " Are you there?" I desperately wanted him to respond with a yes..I got nothing. I looked back at my blackberry as if he had slipped through my hands. I checked to see what I had received from Cort.. It was an email from him. For a moment I knew he was right there with me. I went to show bud the email and call my dad so that I could forward it to him. In his email he stated that he leaves the 20th at 6:30am for Kentucky. I talked to my mom and she asked if he gets to call us so I thought why not email him and see if I can get an answer. I emailed him and about 20min later I get a response...This is just what I needed. I didn't care what the email said I was too excited that I got a response. He will get to call home.
I have decided that I love email. Email for me is like texting for the rest of the human population. In his email he was cracking jokes and excited about life. I love and miss him just being around. I was telling bud as we were driving home tonight that I just wish he would walk in the room.

I cannot believe that it has been two weeks since my last post. We had a great 4th of July with family. Caleb's dad was in town which is always nice. Coby and Emi had Braxton's baby blessing on the 5th. We had brunch after over at my mother and father-n-laws home. Caleb had Friday- Monday off with me. We had a great four day weekend. We came to the conclusion that we need more long weekends together.

Bud and I started carpooling to work and I have had the opportunity to attend some of his b-ball games. The first game that I got stuck going to was a great game. I was sitting in the stands with my phone and Bud's in my lap. My phone rang, I looked down to answer it and it said Cort was calling. My heart dropped along with the missed call. It was almost a panic feeling that he tried to call and I missed it. I called his number back and no one answered. I called my mom to see what she was doing and she said that she was trying to see if Cort had any missed calls or texts. I had to explain to her that she cannot let that happen again. Seeing his name on my phone felt like a sign that he was letting me know he is OK.
I received my first letter from Cort last week. He is doing great. His first day at the MTC they made him a district leader. I am very proud of him. I write him all the time. I have seen that my parents also write him every night. Their letters are a paragraph or two my letters are a page or two. Today at work I was talking to one of my co-workers and she asked how Cort was doing. I was about ready to answer when my blackberry vibrated. I looked down and it said I had an email from Cort. Before I even looked to see what it was I replied back to him with this, " Are you there?" I desperately wanted him to respond with a yes..I got nothing. I looked back at my blackberry as if he had slipped through my hands. I checked to see what I had received from Cort.. It was an email from him. For a moment I knew he was right there with me. I went to show bud the email and call my dad so that I could forward it to him. In his email he stated that he leaves the 20th at 6:30am for Kentucky. I talked to my mom and she asked if he gets to call us so I thought why not email him and see if I can get an answer. I emailed him and about 20min later I get a response...This is just what I needed. I didn't care what the email said I was too excited that I got a response. He will get to call home.
I have decided that I love email. Email for me is like texting for the rest of the human population. In his email he was cracking jokes and excited about life. I love and miss him just being around. I was telling bud as we were driving home tonight that I just wish he would walk in the room.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Today is the Day....

We took Cort to the MTC today. It was hard to send him on his way but he walked away grinning from ear to ear. That made it a little easier on all of us. Once his host said that he would carry all of Cort's luggage we knew he would be ok. It was almost like they knew him already. I can't wait to hear the stories of how he is getting his companions to do everything for him. He is so strong and is going to do great in the MTC and in the field. Here are a couple of pics from today.
Last night he was set apart and we had Bud, Cort and my Gpa put on their championship basketball shirts they had just won a couple of weeks ago. Here are a couple of the pics from last night.
We are going to miss having Cort here but can't wait for
all of the opportunities for others to get to know
and love him as much as we do.
Only 730 days to go.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Family Time
This morning my mom called and asked if Caleb and I wanted to go to the park and eat KFC and play around. This is Cort's last Sunday with us since he leaves Wednesday. We started off playing Bocce ball which Cort and I won. It is all thanks to him. I only earned one of our five points. We then played volleyball which we were able to get everyone to play. I love it when everyone plays. (I love it most when my husband plays.) We had a great time at the park as a family. We were able to get a few pictures. I am only going to post a couple out of the 100 that we took of us goofing around.

Bud, Laura and Cort

It was intense out there...even Bud went for a dive.

Ready for anything...

Bud's action shot (picture taken by my dad)

My action shot (also taken by my dad)

Cort catch

Dad's throw

Bud's catch
Just think this was only a couple of the pictures from today. Overall we had a great day. There was one exception. When my mom, dad, Bud and Cort got home they found Chance (the family dog) had hung himself in a bush while we were at the park. I thought that we were all taking Cort leaving a little hard but Chance took it to another extreme. I love my family and I am sorry about Chance's passing.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Today was a great day for my family. Today was Father's day. I have a great dad and father-n-law. They mean the world to Caleb and me. I hope that they both had a great day today.
Today was also my grandfather's 89th birthday. He was in great spirits today and enjoyed the day.
Today was also Cortney's farewell. I cried my guts out. He did so well with his talk. I know that he is going to do great things on his mission. He is very insperational. I made him a little scrapbook to take with him. This way if he gets home sick or needs us there we will be there supporting him. He is ready to get out into the field. Here is a picture from today. It represents all three celebrations we had today.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Since we have been back from our vacation we have been really busy. The last two weeks have flown by. We have both been working and going to school. As of yesterday my youngest brother Cortney only has 13 days until he leaves for his mission. Since we have been home I tend to just start crying at random points throughout the day. He is making the right choice for himself and our family. He quit work just over a week ago so that he can start getting everything in order before he leaves. This Sunday he is giving a talk in church and having people over to my parents house after. I know that he will do well. He went through the Salt Lake Temple yesterday. I took a few pictures so that we can all remember this day.
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